Friday, June 3, 2011

Summa time and the livin's easy....

It's FINALLY summer up here in Vermont and I have to admit the long winters are so worth the perfect summers.  The Pytlik's have been very busy traveling here and there and camping, partying, gardening, building a deck and visiting friends and family.  This weekend we get to relax and enjoy some family time.  Can't wait! 

Here are a few videos of the kido's lately.  Toby just decided he wanted his training wheels taken off and never put back on.  He can even start ands stop by himself.  What a big guy.

And little JJ is trying to walk and pointing and waving all the time.  I am just not ready for this....

And here are some random pics form our first trip to the town beach.  It was so much fun with both boys and I know there will be many more trips to come.  Toby was swimming under water - oy!

Fun at the beach!!


JJ  happy as always :)

There is just too much chaos going on to not enjoy these precious moments!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Growing up too fast!

Both of the kids are growing up way too fast, but it is more noticeable with a baby.  Jayden is already babbling away and ready to crawl.  He is going to be 8 months on Friday and is so mellow and easy going; I wonder what he will be like as he grows up.  Will he stay mellow or kick into gear and be a terror? Only time will tell.

I have never seen a baby crawl quite like JJ we call it the "commando crawl".

His favorite thing to say is “BA” but he also says DA, MA and GA and some combinations.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ba bye 2010...welcome 2011!

Ah…2010 where do I start!  I hope when I look back on his year I remember how fortune we were to have the absolute BEST family and friends around who supported us through some very challenging times. We were so lucky to have both of our parents chip in and help out with Toby while I was on bed rest pregnant with baby Jayden.  Our family and friends came through like I never expected watching Toby, cooking meals, lending books, keeping me company on the couch, bringing treats and flowers, just listening to me rant and Julia even flew from NC to help us out!  We are very fortunate to have people in our lives that care so much it’s almost overwhelming to think about.  Although I spent 1/3 of the year lying on my left side looking at the ceiling, I still say it has been the best year yet!  Our family is complete with Toby and Jayden and we are the luckiest parents to have 2 healthy perfect children.  I am sure there are many challenges ahead but if we can make it through this year I hope we can make it through anything.

So…my news years resolution is to not sweat the small stuff. That’s HARD for a type A psycho like me but I am going to try.  Dirty laundry, dishes in the sink, things out of order I am going to try to take it all in stride. And it's all small stuff....right???

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Family Visit

My mom, sister Regina and niece Keira came to visit this weekend. 

We went to the  Hathaway Farm Corn Maze with animal petting area and hay rides.  The animals were a big hit as usual!  We only made it into the mini corn maze, which had to be called the "big guy" maze because Toby wanted no part of a mini maze.  Last year we went in the big one which is 13 acres and spent hours trying and never found the exit we had to take the "exit early".  It was fun trying, but with wild card Jayden around this year we don't have hours to spend in a maze so we took the fast route.  Toby was suspicious when we came out the entrance and thought we didn't do it right, can't get anything past him!  We never made it on the hay ride because little J had had enough and wanted to go home. 

The next day we harvest veggies from our garden. We still have to harvest the potatoes, carrots, eggplants, brussel sprouts and have TONS of green tomatoes and tomatillos.  Overall for our first year of this garden was a huge success!  We will take notes for next year and do thing a little differently but overall I am pleased we got a lot of food out of our little back yard.

Here is Steve and Keira harvesting potatoes!  Keira was using a little stick to dig.

Jayden Rolls on Over!

Jayden rolled over for the first time today. Boy was he pissed off when he realised he was on his belly and couldn't roll back.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Toby rides with no training wheels!

I am not sure what prompted it but Toby started asking Steve to take off his training wheels.  I, of course, was against it from the start! I tried to rationalise waiting until next summer but Steve figured what harm could be done by sending a 3 year old down hill on a bike?  So he took them off and off Toby went!

And he kept on practicing every chance he gets.  He was unusually whiny this day ....

One small crash resulted in a bloody lip but otherwise he is still in one piece.  Trouble is he can pedal just fine and steer, but he can't start or stop himself. He tends to just stop by crashing into the grass...not ideal!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wecome baby Jayden!

The Pytlik Guys

This seems like a good place to start our family adventures!  Baby Jayden was welcomed into our family on the 4th of July 2010 after a LONG pregnancy but a quick labor! 

 We all worked very hard to bring him into this world and after all the drama he is perfect and healthy and we are unbelievably lucky to have our two boys! 

Our whole family had some adjusting to do to make room for the new arrival. I naively thought Toby was almost 4 and he would be helpful.  Boy was I wrong!  Toby turned into a monster of propositions I had never seen, but this too shall pass....and it did!  Here is one memory of his adjusting period:

Well it's just hair and look at that cute face how could we stay mad at him?   All is well and months later Toby is doing great!